Roll | Testledare |
Kompetensområde | Data/IT |
Startdatum | 2024-09-16 |
Slutdatum | 2025-03-31 |
Omfattning | 100% |
Ort | Stockholm |
Land | Sweden |
Sista svarsdatum | 2024-09-10 (Offerter kommer att behandlas löpande) |
Kontaktperson | Marie Lundin ( | 076-1081079) |
Referensnummer | #11864 |
Övergripande uppdragsbeskrivning
Role description: Test lead/Test Engineer
About the role: We are looking for a technical test engineer with experience from integration testing. You will play a central role in the project as a technical test engineer where several systems are consolidated into a new system with new integration platform.
• Integration testing between HR source and consuming systems
• Scripting and automation of test flows with Python to secure data consistency, integrity as well as securing error handling with meaningful messages and status codes. This includes test of API endpoints.
• Measure performance and security related testing such as authentication, authorization and data protection mechanisms.
• Experience from using postman, quality assurance of system functionality and stability.
• Build and administrate test pipelines in Azure DevOps for version management and traceability
• Secure requirement coverage for each data point and Acceptance on functional level related to both integration and system.
• Preparation of test data for different purposes
• Secure test environment readiness
• Test Design and maintenance of test scenarios including test execution
• Coordinate User acceptance testing in relation to consuming system from an E2E perspective.
• Act as a bridge between Superusers, Service Managers, integration leads to secure effective problem solving and communication.
• Test Engineer with experience from Test Development and Test Automation
• Experience from Python and other development languages.
• Good understand of architecture and test methodologies
• API testing, verification of end-points, data integrity, error handling, performance and security.
• Experience from implementing and testing security measures for API such as authentication, authorization and data protection.
• Experience from working with Postman and other testing frameworks.
• Experience from administrating test environments, coordinating user testing and securing requirement coverage.
• Experience of testing large amount of data points and regression testing.
• Coordination experience from technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Personal abilities:
• Can work both in team and independently
• Fast Learner and solution oriented approach
• Team player and doer mentality
• English
Work location
- Location: Solna
- Weekly to Project Manager and via Inkopio
Test Engineer with experience from Test Development and Test Automation
Experience from Python and other development languages.
Good understand of architecture and test methodologies
API testing, verification of end-points, data integrity, error handling, performance and security.
Experience from implementing and testing security measures for API such as authentication, authorization and data protection.
Experience from working with Postman and other testing frameworks.
Experience from administrating test environments, coordinating user testing and securing requirement coverage.
Experience of testing large amount of data points and regression testing.
Coordination experience from technical and non-technical stakeholders.
Övriga krav
Bifoga CV på engelska i Wordformat under fliken Dokument. CV:t är en viktig del i utvärderingen av konsulten. Det ska tydligt visa att konsulten har den kompetens och erfarenhet som efterfrågas för det aktuella uppdraget.
Offert för detta uppdrag måste skickas in via KeySourcingTool. Svar via mail kommer att få begränsad feedback.
Beskriv kort i ”Kommentar” vid de olika kraven hur konsulten uppfyller dessa, samt hänvisa till uppdrag i CV:t
Personliga egenskaper
Can work both in team and independently
Övrig information
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